Here's the Steps:
Apply for Grants - Greener Homes Grant and Solar Rebate Grant
Follow the link and fill out the application forms:
Greener Homes - up to 5000$ Grant and Loan
Schedule and complete required Energuide Evaluation
Schedule with us for the required home energy Energuide evaluation. Also great to find out other ways to improve your home efficiency and comfort!
Solar Installer - connect and complete project
If you haven't already contacted a solar installer - get quotes and get in their schedule! Make sure they are a certified and experienced company to avoid any issues or delays with the project.
Submit Quotes for Greener Homes Loan
After the Energuide report is complete - access to the loan will be available. You'll need to submit your project plans and quotes to be approved.
Schedule Post evaluation and complete the grant submissions
After everything is complete - we come back for the required post-evaluation and then you'll need to submit the final parts and receipts for the project.
Receive the grant money!
Keep an eye on your email in case they require extra information for the grant - and enjoy your solar energy while you wait for the rebate cheques!
Costs for Energuide Evaluation:
Pre-retrofit $450+GST
Post-retrofit 250$+GST